Google Search Console Change of Address Tool Adds Redirect Validation and Reminder Features

19 Feb 2020

Google has updated some new features in Search Console Change of Address tools to help you redirect / move your site.

Google just update two new features on Search Console in the Change of Address tool. These new update features include redirect validation upto top five URL of moving domain and a second remainder at top of both moving domain and desination domain within Google search console.

Redirect Validation. Google added redirect validation on Google Search Console for top five URLs of your moving domain. The validation Tool will display the redirect flow, validation flow, show some examples and give you proper recommendations any problem in the redirection within your old domain & new one domain.

Here is a screen shot:


Reminder. Google search console also show you reminder at top of both the moving domain and the destination domain. This reminder as a warning banner that may read "One or more of your other sites is moving to this site" i.e this site is currently moving to newdomain."


Change in the Google Search Console Address Tool can be powerful and adding features like reminder that site is moving can help some not make a mistake with the tool. Valdation tool also help you fixing out any issues regarding redirection and validate site move is something you want to tell to Google. You can learn more about Google search console change in address tool over here.

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